"I think of you often, and always with love
I think about how hard you work
and how much you do for our family...
I remember the times
you've encouraged me, and I see how your wisdom
and caring have helped me through...
I look back
on favourite memories
that remind me how much
we've always meant to each other, ohh...
and always will... my love, my darling...
There so many times
when I think of you
and feel proud
and thankfull my dear
and very lucky
you're my husband...
Thank You Allah...
Happy 6th Anniversary,
and happy 26th birthday for you... barokallah... (^-^)
I love you... I do love you coz Allah..."
thanks for the special gift, ;) mmmmuach!
-me, KL. morning, 1st of august, 2008)-
wah belum telat kan kasih ucapan? met ulang tahun dan anipersari....moga-moga awet selalu...
Selamat Ulang Tahun kak Angga, selamat hari pernikahan my beautiful sista, moga langgeng sampe' akhir hayat, amiin... :-)
Syukron jazzakumullah khoir atas do'a2nya, baik yg via mail, sms, maupun yg dah nelpon, ;)
thanks a lot, yaaaah, mmmuach!
S E L A M A T yo mi! jgn lupo traktirannyo... hehehe
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